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Tooth Brushing

Tooth Brushing

When to begin brushing

Once your child’s teeth begin erupting, you can begin cleaning them by wiping with a moist washcloth. As your child gets more teeth, you can begin to use a soft child’s toothbrush using a pea-sized amount of non-fluoride toothpaste (like Baby OraGel). You may begin using a fluoride toothpaste at 2-3 years of age.
For most toddlers, getting them to brush their teeth can be quite a challenge. But stick with it! It does get easier with time!

Tooth brushing

Children’s hands and mouths are different than adults. They need to use toothbrushes that “fit”- ones designed for children. Both adults and children should use brushes with soft, round bristles for gentle cleaning. Change to a new brush about every three months or if your child has been sick.
It is recommended that children brush twice a day (although a third brushing midday would be great!) for approximately 2 minutes. Those teeth that are in contact should be flossed.

Kids Dentist Lakewood, CO

Orthodontic patients

For those patients with braces, we work along with the orthodontist to help create a beautiful result once the orthodontic treatment is completed. It’s not easy to keep teeth clean while under orthodontic treatment. We know that, so that is why we recommend that these patients be seen in our office every 3-4 months for a cleaning rather than every 6 months. We will polish the teeth and teach, in detail, how to brush and floss with the brackets, wires and appliances in place.


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